Working With A Veterinarian

3 Reasons To Bring Your Cat To The Vet As They Get Older

17 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Bringing your cat to the vet may not be the first thing on your mind when your cat seems to be in overall good health. The problem with this thinking as your cat gets older is that there could be some health problems that aren't apparent right away. Instead of missing potential health problems that aren't apparent until they worsen, it's a good idea to make routine visits to the vet as your cat gets older. Read More …

3 Things You Should Teach Your Puppy

14 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you get a new puppy, teaching them how to act is one of the most essential things, and you should begin some training immediately. Most new owners know about things like house training and teaching a puppy to sit, but there are some things that you can teach your puppy now that will help them behave better and stay healthier as they age.  1. Cooperation for teeth cleaning. Proper dental hygiene is an overlooked part of doggie health care. Read More …

How to Tell If Something Is Wrong with Your Turtle

10 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Turtles can make wonderful pets. They are small, relatively easy to care for, and have more vibrant personalities than you might think. However, because most people are less familiar with turtles than with more popular pets like cats and dogs, many turtles have health problems that go unnoticed and unaddressed for too long. So, what are the signs that something is amiss with your turtle's health? Take a look. 1. Your turtle's eyes are runny or showing discharge. Read More …

Pinched Your Cat’s Tail? Here’s Why You Must See A Vet

4 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Most cat owners know that a cat's tail is extremely sensitive. However, not everyone goes to the vet when a cat's tail gets hurt. If your cat's tail has been pinched under a foot, in a door, or in any other way, you could be putting their health at risk if you neglect to take them to a veterinarian. Here's why tail injuries are such a problem. Potential Fracture A cat's tail contains a portion of their spine, including the vertebrae that make up their backbone. Read More …

What You Should Know If Your Dog Has Eaten Hostas

11 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to taking care of a dog, one of the most important steps that a person can take is knowing what plants and other items are poisonous to dogs. Additionally, it is important to know what to do if a dog ingests any of these items. One of these poisonous plants is the hosta. The problem is that hostas are extremely common in landscaping design. As such, there is a significant chance that your dog will be exposed to hostas at some point in their life. Read More …

About Me
Working With A Veterinarian

The moment I saw my little puppy, my heart melted. I wanted to make sure he knew how much I loved him, so I took really, really good care of the little fella. However, the longer I owned him, the more I realized that I needed the help of a veterinarian to prevent ongoing health problems. I found a great pet doctor who offered everything I needed, and we worked together to improve the health of my little furry friend. On this blog, check out all of the benefits of working with a veterinarian, because you never really know how much of a difference you could make in your pet's life.
